Saturday, April 28, 2012

Savater's History of Philosophy for HS Students

Me gusta este articulo que acabo de encontrar acerca del libro de Savater. Leemos este libro en mi asignatura de la historia de la filosofía en en Dwight-Englewood School en EEUU. Este articulo da muy buena idea de la meta de este libro y unas de las razones porque lo he escojido para leer en mi asignatura. Vea más abajo elenlace al articulo.

(I like this article about Savater's book. I have just come across it. I use this book in my History of Philosophy course at Dwight-Englewood School, which I teach in Spanish. The article gives the reader a good idea about Savater's goal and some of the reasons why I use the book in my class. Over the next few years I hope to help to inspire American high school teachers to teach a courses something like this in their own schools. I will be talking to Spanish teachers through ACTFL and pre-college philosophy teachers through various venues including the APA. Take a look at the article – it’s in Spanish. The link follows.)

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