Sunday, February 16, 2020

Receipt of Stage 1 Essays

The Stage 1 essay is the first step taken in the American Philosophy Open.

This is the generic version of the letter that all Stage 1 writers get.

Dear APO Essay Writer,

We have received your English, qualifying essay. Thank you very much.

Now, to reiterate what the next steps are, here is what you can expect. As you
have seen online in our AP-CP blog post (
and/or in the APO 2020 brochure or in Facebook, here’s what you can expect and
what we’ll expect from you.

Stage 1

APO will notify the finalists from the Stage 1 essay submissions by February
19, 2020. Everyone will be notified regardless of finalist status.

Identified finalists from Stage 1 must then submit, via email, (
a letter of recommendation from a teacher and a letter from their school administration that
grants time away from school to participate in the IPO 2020 contest in Lisbon, Portugal.
The deadline for these letters from teachers and administrators of the finalists is Monday
March 2, 2020.

Stage 2

Finalists will compete in the online, timed essay writing event on the Primary
Contest Date of Saturday March 7th. The Alternate Contest Date is Sunday
March 8th. Remember that the Stage 2 essay, besides being written live online
and monitored, must be written in either excellent French, German or Spanish.
The Stage 2 essay may not be written in English.

After we receive the emailed letters from each finalist’s teacher and
Administrator (by March 2nd), we will contact each finalist about the procedure
for the online essay.

Thanks again for your passion to study philosophy and to participate in this
essay contest, which is an example of the Latin phrase scribendo cogito
(I think by writing).

Thank you very much.

All the best,

Joseph A. Murphy
APO Director