Monday, June 12, 2017

APO Team in Rotterdam for IPO 2017

The American Delegation to the IPO in Rotterdam. From l to r, Frank Murphy, Associate Delegate, Anna Stoneman and Gustavo Berho, APO 2017 winners, and Joseph Murphy, USA Delegation Leader.
From 25 to 28 May 2017, the 25th International Philosophy Olympiad took place in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. No less than 95 competitors from 45 countries participated in this Olympiad. The Organizing Committee, as well as the local and national partners, are proud to look back on a very successful event. They have made a short film to document the events within the full Olympiad. I present it to you here with thanks to the full team of professors, teachers, professional organizers and volunteers from Rotterdam.

All footage by Rachel Visscher, music by Tom Nestelaar. This video is also available on Youtube: #ipotolerance

Memories of hundreds of people from 45 nations are fresh and full of joy from the wonderful IPO2017 in Rotterdam. Stories are now being shared in the home countries of the extraordinary people who took part in the Olympiad in The Netherlands. Congratulations to our two American winners. Cheers to all my friends from the IPO! I look forward to seeing all of you again next year in Montenegro for IPO2018.

To read more about this wonderful event and about the IPO in general go to and/or